Tengah Makan Dengan Gembira Dan Lupa tinggal komen !

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Win A Free Bag From BabyIbu!!!


BabyIbu Giveaway Birthday


Contest ni akan berlangsung daripada 26 Januari 2011 sehingga 25 Februari 2011

Hadiahnya apa?

Organize Anne yang bernilai RM 52 daripada BabyIbu Shoppe
9 voucher bernilai RM190 daripada Tote Boutique

Mungkin ada juga seorang yang bertuah , apa lagi jom join : http://babyibu.blogspot.com/2011/01/babyibu-giveaway-birthday.html

Kedai Gambar Kami

50% After 5pm - The Anggerik Terrace Coffee House Cake Counter - February Promotion

It's a choice of cakes at The Anggerik Terrace Coffee House Cake Counter.
Passionate cake lovers will definitely have a field day.
Please do not hesitate to call 03 – 5519 2069/78/75 ext 310 for any inquiry

Hotel UiTM Shah Alam
Find us on Facebook search : Hotel UiTM Shah Alam Hotel

07 Feb 2011 – 28 Feb 2011
50% discount after 5pm promotion.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Info : RM8 instead of RM14.50 for TROPICALITEA & a LARGE COOKIE at THE TEA REPUBLIC, Bangsar Shopping Centre [45% OFF]

The Tea Republic, Bangsar Shopping Centre

Check out their website at http://www.ttr.com.my/ or their Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Tea-Republic/118611101535444 and be taken aback by the inspiring, informative and fun way you need to know about tea; from the lovely quotes to the tea trivia.You might also want to know that the Tropicalitea is a healthy ice-blended refreshing infusion of antioxidant rich green tea and fresh fruits. Have it together with either the almond and chocolate chip cookie or the crunchy peanut butter and fudge cookie that’s sure to ignite your taste buds.

Cookie at The Tea Republic, Bangsar Shopping Centre

Tea at The Tea Republic, Bangsar Shopping Centre


  • Only one type of cookie available at any one time
  • Choice of either Almond & Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter & Fudge
  • Not exchangeable with any other offer
  • Redemption period: 30 January 2011 - 1 March 2011


  • Tea beverages served are of import quality
  • Comfy, inspiring & cosmopolitan like interior
  • A place where you can rest your tired feet and sip a cuppa after all that shopping

108 : Ikan Tongkol Masak Sambal

Ikan tongkol seekor direbus
Air Asam jawa
Belacan 1/2 inci
Cili giling / Cili boh

Bahan B

Bawang merah 3 bijik
Bawang putih 2 bijik
Halia satu inci


Goreng ikan dan ketepikan.
Kisar Bahan B.Tumiskan.Masukkan cili giling.Biar mendidih.Masukkan air asam jawa dan belacan.Letakkan gula, garam dan sedikit bahan perasa.Tunggu sampai menggelegak.Masukkan ikan yang telah digoreng.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

107 : Ikan Jeruk Goreng

Bahan-bahan :-

2-3 keping ikan tenggiri yang telah dijeruk
3-4 ulas bawang merah dicincang
Sebiji limau nipis
Cili padi ikut tahap kepedasan dicincang
Tomato dicincang

Cara-cara :-

Goreng ikan jeruk sehingga garing. Perah asam limau nipis dan gaul bersama bahan-bahan yang lain sehingga mesra.

Sedap dimakan bersama nasi panas :)

Monday, January 24, 2011

106 : Sotong Goreng Kicap Pucuk Paku

Bahan-bahan ( 2 - 3 orang ):-

  • 3 ekor sotong (saiz besar)
  • 3 biji bawang putih - dititik
  • 1 biji bawang besar - hiris bulat
  • Kicap manis secukup rasa
  • garam & serbuk perasa jika mahu.


  1. Sotong dibersihkan & dipotong ikut citarasa.
  2. Tumis bawang putih dan bawang besar.Masukkan pucuk paku dan masukkan sotong.
  3. Masukkan kicap manis ke dalam tumisan tadi. Tunggu sebentar hingga mendidih.
  4. Biarkan hingga pucuk paku  & sotong masak. Sambil tu perasakan dengan garam dan serbuk perasa.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Nak menang purse CLARKS? jom jom vote MZ !!

Nak menang purse CLARKS? jom jom vote MZ !!

(1) contest azam 2011 by mat joe - kena vote by 25 jan 2011

cara nak vote :

kena like matjoe.com dulu

then like pic ni

(2) GA contest - posing dgn beg by Dynaz Capital Online Collection (DYsCC)--kena vote by 6th Feb 2010

cara nak vote:

kena like DYCC dulu

then like pic ni

Hadiah FM dari Abu Dhabi

3 x FM Abu Dhabi.... :)

Tarikh Tutup: 25 Jan 2011

Untuk join : http://sukasukimain2.blogspot.com/2011/01/hadiah-fm-dari-abu-dhabi.html

Syarat -syarat : http://sukasukimain2.blogspot.com/2011/01/meraih-undi-untuk-1st-time.html

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Info : Want Something real and juicy ??

More info : http://www.burgerking.com.my/

The one and only BURGER KING® Malaysia fanpage by the Whopper crew at BK Malaysia. : http://www.facebook.com/bkmalaysia?v=app_10339498918#!/bkmalaysia?v=app_10339498918

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Lucky Giveaway by Niniezane

GA ni ditaja oleh Paradigma Resources & Tip Top Autospa...

Hadiah yg ditawarkan berupa :
  1. Free basuh + vacum keta x 3 pemenang...sponsored by Tip Top Autospa
  2. 1 set Slimming Patch x 3 pemenang...sponsored by  Paradigma Resources
  3. 1 set Foot Detox x 3 pemenang...sponsored by  Paradigma Resources
  4. 1 pcs Sabun Aqura x 3 pemenang...sponsored by  Paradigma Resources
  5. 1 pcs Syampu Tudung Aqura x 3 pemenang...sponsored by  Paradigma Resources
  6. 1 pcs Kertas Pewangi Kereta x 5 pemenang...sponsored by Tip Top Autospa
Lumayan, kan? So, total seme ade 20 hadiah untuk dimenangi...contest ini bermula dr saat ini sehingga 28 Februari 2011...so, cepat join ye kwn2...

Syarat-syarat WAJIB : 

1) Mesti jadi FOLLOWER untuk blog ini, dan blog penganjur; Paradigma Resources & Tip Top Auto Spa
2) Buat satu ENTRY tentang giveaway ini dengan tajuk "Lucky Giveaway by Niniezane"
3) Sila link kan tajuk di atas dengan post ini.
4) Sila letak link utk KETIGA2 blog dalam link BLOGLIST anda...
5) Sila TAG 5 ORANG kawan dan pastikan mereka tahu tentang GA ini.
6)Akhir sekali sertakan permenant link entry lucky giveaway ini di ruangan komen di bawah.
Klik sini untuk join sama : http://niniezane2009.blogspot.com/2011/01/niniezane-giveaway.html

TAG : 
1) Zie
2) Wanie
3) Niza
5) Suraya

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Info : HITBSecConf series - The Box Security Conference (HITB2011AMS - May 17th - 20th)

It's a new year and time for an all new HITBSecConf series! Firstly, in line with the new year, we've recently updated our main conference website landing page!

The dates for this year's HITBSecConf's are as follows:

NH Krasnapolsky, Amsterdam
May 17th - 20th

TBA, Kuala Lumpur
October 10th - 13th

HITB2011AMS will be our 2nd annual HITB security conference in Europe and once again we're expanding the event line up with a quad track conference format, a keynote panel discussion, an all new Capture The Flag live hacking competition, an updated lock picking village, an expanded Hackerspaces Village and of course the HITB Labs and HITB SIGINT sessions will form our third and forth track respectively.
Registration for the event is now open and early bird rates apply till the 18th of February
Event website: http://conference.hitb.nl/hitbsecconf2011ams/

TECH TRAINING 1 – Hunting Web Attackers
TECH TRAINING 2 – The Exploit Laboratory 5.0
TECH TRAINING 3 – Windows Physical Memory Acquisition and Analysis
TECH TRAINING 4 – Web Hacking 2.0: Attacks, Penetration and Exploits

Day 1 Keynote: Joe Sullivan (Chief Security Officer, Facebook)
Day 2 Keynote Panel Discussion - The Economics of Vulnerabilities
Keynote Panelist 1: Lucas Adamski (Mozilla Corp)
Keynote Panelist 2: Steve Adegbite (Adobe Systems Inc.)
Keynote Panelist 3: Aaron Portnoy (TippingPoint Technologies)
Keynote Panelist 4: Dave Marcus (McAfee / AvertLabs)
Keynote Panelist 5: Chris Evans (Google Corp)
Keynote Panelist 6: Katie Moussouris (Microsoft - MSRC)

Pre conference flyer:
If you are interested in submitting a talk for the Amsterdam event, the Call for Papers closes on the 18th of Feb. Submissions can be sent to us via our CFP engine:

Monday, January 17, 2011

Info : 10 % Diskaun Untuk Kakitangan Kerajaan di The Chicken Rice Shop

Maklumat lanjut : http://www.thechickenriceshop.com/highlights/highlights03.html

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Info : Lift Your Senses with F&N Magnolia Sherbet

We all love a good serving of ice cream once in a while, but the rich cream also often comes with a post-dessert coma. Have you ever wished that there was an alternative which was just as yummy as ice cream, but without the richness of regular ice cream?

That’s where F&N Magnolia Sherbet comes in. Lift your senses with F&N Magnolia Sherbet – its texture is lighter and smoother than regular ice cream, and contains real fruit pieces/puree – it’s a refreshing pick-me-up like no other!

Available in 4 variants of Lychee, Mangosteen, Melon and Orange, the fruity flavours perk you up without the heaviness of a full-dairy ice cream. It’s perfect for those of us who want to indulge a little every now and then without feeling guilty about it.

Here’s your chance to enjoy some refreshing sherbet and be rewarded at the same time. F&N is organising a blogging contest exclusively for Nuffnangers where you could win up to RM 1,500 in cash! Here’s what you need to do:
1. The contest runs for from 3 January 2011 – 31 January 2011.
2. Write a blog post with the title, “A Magnolia Sherbet A Day _______” and complete the sentence with any catchy phrase you like. “A Magnolia Sherbet A Day Keeps My Fat Rolls Away”, “A Magnolia Sherbet A Day Gives Me Strength For My Day”… okay we’re sure you can do better than us. :S
3. Tell us about your favourite Magnolia Sherbet flavour as creatively as possible.
4. Include pictures of yourself with your favourite Magnolia Sherbet flavour in your blog post as well! You can download this file for a list of selected outlets for reference where Magnolia Sherbet is available :)

Submit your entry  : http://www.nuffnang.com.my/blog/2011/01/03/lift-your-senses-with-fn-magnolia-sherbet/

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Info 75 : Red- Roasters Eating Day

Time to don RED all over again this 12 January 2011 as the annual ROASTERS Eating Day (RED) is back!  Wear RED – the colour of life, to celebrate good health and vitality through good eating and healthy living with Kenny Rogers ROASTERS (KRR).

The ticket to a year full of vitality starts with an active lifestyle fueled by a wholesome and healthy diet. KRR is in support of maintaining your resolution to a healthy 2011 for you and your loved one. Celebrate health and vitality by wearing something RED to any KRR restaurant and get two (2) Kenny’s Quarter Meals for the price of one.

More info : http://www.krr.com.my/red-eating-day.html

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Info 74 : Kelayakan Pinjaman Perumajan Kerajaan

Kadar baru kelayakan pinjaman perumahan mengikut PEKELILING PERBENDAHARAAN BIL. 5 TAHUN 2011.

Kadar kelayakan ini digunapakai untuk Hakim-hakim Mahkamah Agong/Mahkamah Tinggi dan yang setaraf dengannya, Pegawai -Pegawai Perkhidmatan Awam Am, Anggota Pasukan Polis DiRaja Malaysia (PDRM) dan Anggota Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM).

Amaun Kelayakan Pinjaman Perumahan adalah seperti berikut :


Bil Gaji Bulanan Hakiki (RM) Kelayakan Pinjaman (RM)
1 6,500 dan ke atas 450,000
2 5,500 ke 6,499 420,000
3 4,500 ke 5,499 400,000
4 3,500 ke 4,499 380,000
2 3,000 ke 3,499 320,000
3 2,500 ke 2,999 280,000
4 2,000 ke 2,499 255,000
5 1,500 ke 1,999 205,000

Untuk maklumat lanjut sila layari Laman Web Rasmi Bahagian Pinjaman Perumahan Jabatan Perbendaharaan Malaysia

Pekeliling : http://bpp.treasury.gov.my/web/PDF/akta/pp_bil5_2011.pdf

Borang permohonan online : http://onlinebpp.treasury.gov.my/eborang/borangonline.php
Borang Permohonan Baru : http://bpp.treasury.gov.my/web/images/PDF/borang_permohonan/Borang_permohonan_bpp_2010.pdf

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